Governmental support for entrepreneurs in Poland in connection with coronavirus pandemic

The Coronavirus pandemic has significantly affected worlds’ economy so far. As a reaction to troubles entrepreneurs currently face, the Polish Government announced significant upcoming changes in order to help to overcome obstacles of economical nature. All the information below is based on official information announced by the Polish Government so far, although more details shall be published by the end of the week.
212 billion Polish zloty dedicated for support program
The Government announced that it shall be 212 billion Polish zloty spent on the program to support Polish economics. This also includes a support for the Polish health service, which will not be, however, the subject of thisarticle. The program is founded on five pillars, two of which are fully described further in the article.
1st pillar – labor market
The Government declared to fund a part of employees salaries during the critical period, up to 40% of average salary in Poland. The rest of the amount will be paid by the employer. It is not yet clear if aforementioned support will be dedicated only for employers that fulfil certain premises as well as what kind of premises could it be.
For people bound with contracts of mandate, the Government promises a single provision in the approximate amount of 2.000 zlotys, although some sources inform of a monthly support in amount of 80% of minimal salary, which is about 2.000 zlotys. There are also to be announced certain rules of compensating idle time pay caused by the pandemic.
Furthermore, the work time system will be adopted to current situation. It is said to be more flexible and allow to reduce and extend current work time without affecting the monthly salary, although keep in mind that those changes have not been specified by the Government yet.
Work permits for Ukrainian workers will be automatically prolonged.
Employers are going to receive up to 60% personnel costs relief unless they fire any employee.
Parents whose children are younger than 8 years old will receive additional 2 weeks of carer’s allowance. However the Government considers to embrace parents of children in age of 8-14 with aforementioned change as well.
Detecting the SARS-COV-2 by only 1 of employees in a single workplace allows every other co-worker to receive idle time pay.
2nd pillar – support for entrepreneurs
For natural persons, the term for issuing the PIT declaration will be postponed to the end of June.
The Social Insurance contributions (paid to ZUS) are going to be suspended for 3 months, including overdue contributions and instalment payments.
There will also be a chance to obtain a credit with a low interest rate as well as postponing due date of credits already taken for financing day-to-day operating costs.
For transport companies, the Government offers a hand with paying off leasing instalments.
During the upcoming days we should get to know all of the details of announced support for Polish economics. It seems like there are going to be plenty of opportunities to ease the crisis that could be caused by the pandemic.