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Expansion into new foreign markets involves the need to hire or delegate employees to work abroad. We have extensive experience in the field of Polish, German and international labor law. Our firm not only represents clients in proceedings before courts and state authorities and in negotiations with organizations representing employees, but also we support clients accounting and HR departments as part of the services we offer. We provide legal assistance in the field of labor law to entities operating in Poland or Germany parent companies, subsidiaries, company branches, or to entrepreneurs providing cross-border services. We offer comprehensive advisory services (legal, tax and accounting) in the field of posting employees, considering the peculiarities arising from Polish and German law.

We have gained extensive experience, i. a.:

  • ongoing, comprehensive legal services to HR and payroll departments of large, medium and small enterprises,
  • representation in legal proceedings before court between the employer and employee and the Social Insurance Institution,
  • representation in administrative and tax proceedings,
  • consultancy related to the selection of the appropriate form of employment and its structuring,
  • support in the preparation of employee documentation, including employment contracts, regulations, procedures,
  • consultancy related to the posting of employees to work abroad, in particular to Germany, and the development of comprehensive documentation on the posting,
  • representation and advice in proceedings and negotiations between the employer and trade unions,
  • advice on individual and group dismissals,
  • audits and implementation of personal data protection regulations in employee matters,
  • consultancy related to the employment of foreigners, contracts of temporary employment agencies, looking for employees and providing work outsourcing services.


Wspólna 70

00-687 Warszawa

Wolsztyńska 5, 60-361 Poznań

+48 798 607 482

Dietzgenstraße 85

13156 Berlin