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We take care of our clients’ intellectual property. We are aware of the important role nowadays played by the appropriate regulation of the rights to the so-called intangible goods. Using the results of someone else’s work is a complicated issue that requires taking appropriate legal steps. It includes both the analysis of the legal status from the point of view of the author’s economic rights to the work, the amount of remuneration for the use of the work and the specificity of the legal relationship created or connecting it with third parties. On the other hand, on the part of the user of the work, the most important are the issues of the durability of cooperation with the creator, the possibility of modifying the work and using it in the most optimal fields of exploitation.

The Law Firm closely cooperates with patent attorneys all over Poland, who support us in providing comprehensive legal services related to intellectual property – in particular patents and trademarks as well as procedures related to obtaining protection of industrial property by registration with appropriate units: patent offices, national and international trademark registers.

Our team have many years of experience and provide legal assistance in negotiating and concluding copyright transfer agreements and license agreements, we analyse and issue opinions on copyright transfer agreements and license agreements, and we prepare such agreements for the needs of our clients, taking into account the guidelines and interests of our clients, we also construct fragments of copyright provisions ready to be included in other contracts, we help in choosing the right form of the contract and we show how to properly protect the interests of authors, as well as people who use their works.


Wspólna 70

00-687 Warszawa

Wolsztyńska 5, 60-361 Poznań

+48 798 607 482

Dietzgenstraße 85

13156 Berlin